04 February 2012


Knowledge Thy name is profound

Capacious and bewildering, like the azure ocean.

Knowledge You bring enlightenment and wisdom

Shining forth like a million stars through the firmament.

Knowledge You are precious! You are Invaluable!

Precious rubies, diamonds and emeralds pale before your worth.

Knowledge You are humble

With every step learnt, a thousand others wait to be discovered.

Knowledge You are freedom

You open my mind’s eye to the yonder and beyond.

Knowledge You bring sadness and joy

…pithy colours and contrasts in the theatre of our lives.

Knowledge You embrace truth; You embrace peace and love

…yet often Ego embraces you! Strange bedfellows that mingle a while and divorce like mates.

You emerge unscathed and victorious, pure and untouched—having cleansed the ‘I’ of that Ego as well…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful thoughts and put across so eloquently.