As Operation Lalgarh rages on, and village after village ravaged by Maoist rebels, my mind is filled with a cavalcade of images - of a region swathed in sal forests, eucalyptus trees; exotic hills, colourful chou dances and simple tribal folk - a landscape unique in it's topography, vibrant in its cultural quotient and varied in its sociological demographics. Today, it's different – the resounding sounds of bullets have replaced the sweet rhythms of its rare musical instruments and melodious tribal tunes – the road to peace seems like a distant dream now…
Why blame the Maoists only. After 62 yrs of independance what have sucessive state and central govts done for the underpriviledged people mainly the tribals of the region. Absoluely nothing. The standard of living is way far below poverty line. How do expect a family of 3/4 people to survive with a meagre sum of around 1000 Rupess for a whole year. No education, no heath infrasructure, no jobs(not even the the 100 days job scheme). This is what the condition is. Maoists are just taking the advantage. The same story being repeated be it Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand or West Bengal. We will continue to see many more uprising like this. It's not India shinning. Its India burning.
Hi Sudripto...thanks for your oomments....I completely agree with your views, but would also like to add that the Maoists are a rebel group, who are taking recourse to terror to get their demands met....and do we need anymore of that in this country??? The tribal dissent and dissatisfation is a justified cause, and as part of the Indian State they have every right to demand what's rightfully theirs...but they surely don't need a terrosit outfit to communiate their angst
Hi....I do agree that Maoists are a rebel group and as a citizen of India I don't support their modus operandi. But what I want to say is that Maoists are just taking advantage of the exploitation, injustice and discrimination that the tribals have been facing for years.
Its really a sad episode.
Hi Sudripto....thanks for your comments once again...I see we are afterall on the same page about the issue!!
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